Prize & Reward Fulfillment

Save time & money!
Turn-key reward fulfillment
along with practice prize flexibility.

Re­duce your op­er­a­tion­al over­head with our full-ser­vice, cus­tom­ized prize op­tions.
We do all the work de­liv­er­ing branded ful­fill­ment let­ters on your be­half!

You can cus­tom­ize every prize op­tion with­in your hub... there are no lim­its to the great re­wards! With­in your web site re­wards page,
pa­tients shop and re­deem their points for prizes. We then ship prizes dir­ectly to them with a con­grat­u­lat­ory note on your be­half. It’s
fast, fun and best of all, we do all the work!

1. Shop
1. Shop
2. Redeem Points
2. Redeem
3. Receive Your Prize!
3. Receive Your

Want to award practice prizes as part of your program?.. no problem!

You can even use Pa­tient Re­wards Hub to track prac­tice prize in­vent­ory, so you nev­er run out of prizes again!

Our goal is simple, remove the operational burden of reward fulfillment
so you can focus on what you do best!

Interested? See Reward Fulfillment in Action